Family & Criminal Lawyer in Owen Sound

Collaborative Family Law

Collaborative Family Lawyers in
Owen Sound


Maintaining A Commitment To Cooperation & Respect

Collaborative Family Law is a relatively new development in family law whereby instead of pitting former partners as opponents in a Courtroom, or engaging in traditional positional negotiation, the parties and their counsel work together to a meaningful resolution. 

The focus is to find the underlying issues in each of the parties’ positions and find a fair arrangement without confrontation. Rather than becoming further or divided or estranged, or facing the uncertainty of Court, parties together can take control of their separation. In turn, they can achieve a fair resolution without the added expense of protracted negotiation or litigation.

Where there are continuing obligations and ongoing contact is likely, especially where children are involved, this can help create a comfortable environment and often avoid the need to renegotiate matters or relitigate matters at a later date.   

The Steps We Will Take

Lawyers and professionals who practice Collaborative Family Law are specially trained to negotiate creatively and cooperatively. Each party has their own lawyer to provide them confidential advice, and neither party’s interests are sacrificed in the name of collaboration. Rather, collaborative negotiation requires an active engagement in understanding both your own needs and the needs of your former partner and any children. 

In doing so, separating spouses are enabled to work cooperatively towards resolution. Collaborative Family Law requires two willing partners and a commitment to cooperate and stay respectful. More information on Collaborative Family Law can be found at and at


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