Family & Criminal Lawyer in Owen Sound

Child & Family Services

Child & Family
Legal Services in
Owen Sound

Protecting Your Family's Safety & Well-Being

Matters involving Child and Family Services can be a jarring experience for clients. Being notified that a Children’s Aid Society wishes to involve themselves in your life against your wishes on an ongoing basis, or sometimes apprehend your children, can be alarming and disheartening. Not only can Court proceedings or an apprehension come as a surprise, but often you are required to move quickly to ensure your rights are safeguarded. 

The Court documents in your matter will typically contain a number of allegations, many of which you may not agree with. We will review these documents carefully and discuss with you where the Children’s Aid Society’s evidence may be weak or have gaps, and most importantly, how to put your side of the story before the Court.  

The Steps We Will Take

The Court will usually look to the child’s needs and approach the matter with a view to the child(ren)’s safety and wellbeing. We will work with you to show the Court how you fulfill those needs. We will review the allegations against you and what steps may be required to disprove the case against you and advocate your position before the Court. 

At the same time, we will actively explore resolution and various plans which might be put before the Court. Where a Children’s Aid Society does need to remain involved, we strive to obtain the least intrusive and most child-focused means of intervention that allows you to be the best parent you can be.


Request Your Free Consultation

We're happy to meet with you to conduct an initial review of your matter and discuss a plan for moving it forward. Simply fill in and submit the form below, and a member of our staff will be in touch to book your meeting.